
Showing posts from November, 2008
I haven’t written anything in a long time. I used to write for the college newsletter, but college is long gone now, and in all probability the only person who’s going to read this will be my ex-girlfriend, who as I recall, was the only one sweet enough to actually laugh at my wry and warped sense of humour. Wow, thats a long sentence, (see what I mean!!). I really don’t know what I’m typing this for, probably cause I’m bored as hell, but mainly because I just feel like typing utter rubbish. I’ve just finished reading a few books, the white tiger by Arvind Adiga, being one of them, and I got this inane feeling to jot down my own thoughts. Ah fuck it, no thoughts on that book, other than the fact that it was brilliantly written, and the protagonist is a real douchbag. So what do I write about. I guess the most recent thing would have to be the attack in MumbaI over the last few days. Naa, too depressing. I need to talk about something more uplifting. I know I ll talk about making a