
Showing posts from July, 2016


First of all do people even read blogs nowadays?! Are they still called blogs? Should I instead vlog? (Video blog, for the uninitiated) Or is that too old fashioned as well. Do I need to type in under 140 characters before my dear readers (of which there are 4.... including me!) lose interest? What do i need to do the grab attention in this day and age?!?!?! I remember teasing my dad when he would struggle on Skype or WhatsApp (and he still does not have a Facebook account)(which I guess means he's cool now?! I'm just not sure anymore!!). And Lo and Behold, I'm a dad now! A beautiful baby girl, who already knows how to start our iPad and play Pokemon!! Speaking of which, WHAT THE HELLS A POKEMON!? I vaguely remember my younger cousins in the late 90's going ape-shit over them, collecting them like they were slaves or something... oh, just wikipediaed it, that's exactly what you're supposed to do! That's barbaric! Those are animals, people! Or aliens! Or so